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Value Engineering
1.1. General Considerations

1.1. General Considerations
The Employer determines the goal of the project under the criteria approved and adopted after conducting preliminary and feasibility studies in addition to the demands of the Society. and clarifying the need behind implementing the project from the other, but it requires the party entrusted with studies and designs to take into account more comprehensive factors and considerations for each phase of the preliminary studies, design and implementation phases, in addition to a complete study of the maintenance and operation phase.
The impact of establishing the project should consider the direct effect on the surrounding community, whether during the implementation phase or the operation phase, since any project should be welcomed and accepted at least by the local community to ensure the safety and the environmental health of the surrounding area. The study should also extend to the exploitation of human potentials, raw materials and available local products to the fullest. In order to fulfill this purpose, the preliminary studies of the project must include the following:

1.1.1. Defining the Objectives of Design process: To achieve the purpose of establishing the project and taking into account that studies and designs will achieve the goal in the best possible way and to achieve the best quality results. Study the requirements of the owner of this project in all respects including the required project components according to the owner requirements. Getting people involved in the design process and working on engendering a sense of community ownership, pride and stewardship of the project so as they use and participate in their project and ensure its success. Facilitate multi-stakeholder dialogue that highlights new voices- including unemployed youth, female, home-based business owners, people with disabilities, and local environmental civil society, so they participate in the planning, design and construction management. Increase the understanding of energy efficiency and environmental quality through the interaction between design, stakeholders, youth, female, people with disabilities, and local environmental civil society. Implement quality control procedure inside the design process using tools such as checklists, to ensure that it meets the specified requirements by defining the checks and verifications applied to the design and development activity. To control and verify the design, assign design function responsibilities, define technical interfaces and verify that the design output meets the design input requirements.
1.1.2. Determining the nature of the project (new buildings, rehabilitation, additions, external works, infrastructure, internal design, site coordination or a mixture of these works).
1.1.3. Location, suggested locations and existing buildings.
1.1.4. The detailed requirements of the project (new project/any future expansion).
1.1.5. Project operation, operation and maintenance requirements and studying using the necessary systems to save the operational costs.
1.1.6. Health, safety and environment requirements during all of the project implementation phases.
1.1.7. Relationship between building and immediate environment, choices of construction process, materials and low nuisance construction site that can be used as raw materials during project implementation.
1.1.8. Manpower, technical and expertise available in the surrounding and nearby communities who can be of use during the project implementation, or pre-training to ensure creating jobs opportunities during the implementation or the operation of the project.
1.1.9. The phases of work and the expected time period for completion.
1.1.10. Impact of the execution phases on the nearby area and community, and considering the possibility of the participation of and/or benefitting the local community from the project implementation phases.
1.1.11. Estimated cost, schedule and the funding source.

1.2. Methodology and Scope of work

1.2. Methodology and Scope of work
1.2.1. Selecting the Project Manager
Selecting a project manager whose duties are summarized in the following:
1.2.2. Setting a timeline for completion in coordination with specialty engineers.
1.2.3. Determining the information and documents required from the Employer.
1.2.4. Determining the information and documents required from external sources.
1.2.5. Selecting the individuals and entities that will work on the project along with the tasks and dates.
1.2.6. Defining the models and the working methodology, in addition to following up, checking, supervising and directing.

1.3. Work phases according to the schedule and the procedures to ensure QUALITY CONTROL

1.3. Work phases according to the schedule and the procedures to ensure QUALITY CONTROL

1.3.1. Exploratory Phase Preparing the documents received from the Employer that are related to the construction site, and extracting any documents or information related to the site.
- Tasks required during the time of the visit are determined in a checklist.
- No. (DCL-E01) provided in the link below: Site visit

- Project manager and all the engineers of the required Disciplines.
- The requirements of the site visit are determined in the - The requirements of the existing buildings are included in checklist no. (4) provided in the following link
- No. (DCL-E04) provided in the link below:
- No. (DCL-E02) provided in the link below:

DCL-E02 Site Plan

- Assigning the required tasks to the survey services provider.
- Site plan requirements are determined in the checklist.
- No. (DCL-E03) provided in the link below:

DCL-E03 Existing buildings:

- Entrusting the survey company with providing the cadastral status of existing buildings.
- Entrusting specialized engineers with conducting visits to and providing reports regarding the existing buildings.
- The requirements of existing buildings are determined in the checklist.
- No. (DCL-E04) provided in the link below:

DCL-E04 Information/Data collecting The demographic and social study of the site. Row materials and industries available at the site. Manpower, technical and expertise available within the vicinity of the site. Any historical or heritage information, customs or traditions related to the site.
- The requirements of collecting information are determined in the checklist.
- No. (DCL-E05) provided in the link below:

DCL-E05 Phase outputs Certified regulatory deeds sheets, provisions of regulation, borders installation report, coordinates, determining deductions, amendments and providing the necessary measures to address them in coordination with the Employer. Cadastral Plan: Topographic plan, existing buildings/facilities, visible services, plants and trees and their types, fences/external walls, streets and their capacity, stairs, corridors and all the necessary fixed assets within the site. Reviewing and programing the exploratory phase’s information and distributing them to the concerned competencies for the purpose of starting the phases of work. Proposed program for work in the subsequent phases. Providing the Owner with a report containing the outputs of the exploratory phase, and another report showing the results reached along with the subsequent working steps and any inquiries or clarifications related to the phase. Discussing any proposals or amendments received from the Owner and reaching the final data to transfer it to the design concept of the project.

1.3.2. The First Phase: Design Concept

1.3.2. The First Phase: Design Concept Design Concept Defining the final outputs of the exploratory phase and consequently completing design concept/concepts through developing concept/concepts and technical architectural options and clarifying their details, philosophy and relation to the projects’ goals and location. Adopting the structural and architectural axis network to reach a structural and architectural solution with determining electromechanical service tracks and systems. Phase Outputs Illustrating the design concept and its philosophy. Explaining the regulatory provisions on which the design concept was conceived, and these include the approved regulatory deeds sheets, provisions of organization, borders installation report, coordinates, determining deductions, amendments and providing the necessary measures to address them in coordination with the Owner. Tables showing architectural spaces, their areas, relations and required services and proposed locations. An illustrative diagram of the functional relations between the spaces showing the foundations on which the architectural concept was presented. Preliminary architectural plans including the general site, flats, facades, sections and spaces. The architectural materials proposed to be used, their specifications and features according to their locations. A structural report including the proposed structural system and materials to be used, their specifications and features according to their location, in addition to the codes and determinants to be designed according to. An electrical report that will include the proposed systems and materials to be used, their specifications and features according to their location, in addition to the codes and determinants to be designed according to. Sanitary systems, heating and air conditioning report including the proposed systems and materials to be used, their specifications and features according to their location, in addition to the codes and determinants to be designed according to. Initial cost report. Initial approval from the competent authorities. Presentation Method A visual presentation to be presented to the Employer. Hard copy/copies as required.
- The requirements of the first phase are determined in the checklist.
- No. (DCL-E11) provided in the link below:

1.3.3. The Second Phase: Design Development

1.3.3. The Second Phase: Design Development: This phase includes: Making any changes or modifications required by the Employer. Providing all the architectural plans, interior design, fixed and mobile furniture, details, site coordination and specifications. Providing all the structural plans, details and specifications. Providing all the mechanical plans, details and specifications. Providing all the electrical plans, details and specifications. Providing all the special systems plans, details and specifications. Site coordination plans and their details. Draft bill of quantities and estimated prices for each item. Draft execution contract/general and specific conditions. Initial approval from licensing authorities. Initial approval from the General Directorate of Civil Defense. Determining the electrical loads and referring to the competent electricity supply company. 3D design plans for the project. Design development phase report. Presentation Method A visual presentation to be presented to the Employer. Hard copy/copies as required.
- The requirements of the second phase are determined in the checklist.
- No. (DCL-A12) provided in the link below:

1.3.4. The Third Phase: Final Documents

1.3.4. The Third Phase: Final Documents This phase includes: Making any changes or modifications requested by the Employer to the previous phase. Providing all the architectural plans, interior design, fixed and mobile furniture, details, site coordination and specifications. Providing all the structural plans, details and specifications. Providing all the mechanical plans, details and specifications. Providing all the electrical plans, details and specifications. Providing all the special systems plans, details and specifications. Coordination plans and their details. Spreadsheet of the bill of quantities and estimated prices for each item in its final form. Execution contract/general and specific conditions. The final approval certified by Jordan Engineers Association. The necessary licenses from licensing authorities. The final approval from the General Directorate of Civil Defense. Final 3D design plans for the project. Final phase report. Coordination with the Owner regarding the Contractors’ invitation, the required qualification and the offers’ evaluation method. Phase Output Tender documents. Final report. Plans certified by the competent authorities. Presentation Method Soft/Electronic copy. Hard copy.
- The requirements of the third phase are determined in the checklist.
- No. (DCL-A13) provided in the link below:

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